Hmm. I'm drunk right now. It's 10 in the morning. Not really drunk, but still kinda drunk from last night. I just joined, mostly for the beautiful fucking chicks, but also for this cool Journal nonsense. I know no one will read this, but it's for me, just to write more. Fuck, I'm paying for it, might as well, eh? Well, off to class where I'll zone out and not hear the usual tripe that my teacher spouts out of her mouth over and over and over again...
Dank, first of all, the name is retarded. Having the word "Dank" in your name, an obvious allusion to the fact that you smoke dope, is horribly juvenille. Plus, why go on and on about how drunk you are? Who cares? Everybody drinks. We know. Don't make the fact that you drink a lot a part of your already dull personality.