Why are there a bunch of smartasses on this site? Nothings happened to me specifically, I don't participate really. But everytime I read news stories or groups, it's always somebody saying something, then some asshole making the original person feel like a tool so the asshole can feel intelligent. Is that what this site is now? A bunch of elitest fucks waving their intellectual cocks around?
That's the problem with the internet. The only way to show dominance is with words. Now I'm no fighter, but man it'd be nice to get drunk and meet some of the assholes on this site in a dark fucking alley.
That's the problem with the internet. The only way to show dominance is with words. Now I'm no fighter, but man it'd be nice to get drunk and meet some of the assholes on this site in a dark fucking alley.
A smartass is still an ass.
so... that;s what the sun loooks like eh?