Completly bummed out That Steve Irwin died........I liked him by crikey
lots of love to him and his family
In other news I am alive after a terrible 4 mile canoe ride in South Arm, Maine yesterday, Rain, Wind and Rapid water make for not so much fun.......
that makes me happy as I am opposed to being dead at this point in my life.
I am also totally in love with MY FATHERS GUN by Elton John.......if you've never heard it you should download it
Its getting on October and that means I have to start reading SOMETHING WICKED THIS WAY COMES which I try to read every fall season......its definitly a fall book..........
anyone wanna go see the new version of THE WICKER MAN with me sometime soon?
Shake it Sleazy ~
Sir Danjal Fantastique

lots of love to him and his family
In other news I am alive after a terrible 4 mile canoe ride in South Arm, Maine yesterday, Rain, Wind and Rapid water make for not so much fun.......
that makes me happy as I am opposed to being dead at this point in my life.
I am also totally in love with MY FATHERS GUN by Elton John.......if you've never heard it you should download it
Its getting on October and that means I have to start reading SOMETHING WICKED THIS WAY COMES which I try to read every fall season......its definitly a fall book..........
anyone wanna go see the new version of THE WICKER MAN with me sometime soon?
Shake it Sleazy ~
Sir Danjal Fantastique

RIP Steve Irwin.....*tear*
khillerkitten: smell