so I went to The 2nd annual LEBOWSKI movie and bowling extravaganza tonight.........
that was pretty fun.......
and now I'm bored as fuck with nothing to do........
the only thing that sucks about being on vacation is that everyone else is working
side note to Miss Abarat : I just didn't think that all us dirty hippies would have fit in at Ceremony

Why don't you come to Ceremony tomorrow? It should be a fun night, a bunch of us are going, I'm on V A C A T I ON WOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Just wear something bright white, you will fit right in. HAR
Puh lease Calamity Cam. He would never. He only uses the "I have nothing black to wear" as an excuse. But the real reason I am here is to tell you Danjal that BRAINPAN is now my favoritest word ever. Always and forever like my love of technology.