"Perhaps I'm old and tired, but I think the chances of finding out whats actually going on are so absurdley remote that the only thing to do is to say hang the sense of it and keep yourself busy. I'd much rather be happy than right anyday." - Slartibartfast
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Friday Jun 02, 2006
I hate my job I would really like to move far far away -
Wednesday May 31, 2006
Love this song......... I think I'm gonna go rock it real loud in my… -
Saturday May 20, 2006
Don't go to church on Sunday Don't get on my knees to pray Don't me… -
Monday May 15, 2006
currently listening to: I never felt magic crazy as this I never… -
Thursday May 11, 2006
Follow your inner moonlight; don't hide the madness. I saw the bes… -
Tuesday May 09, 2006
so........this is a new picture of me.........yep sure is I have b… -
Thursday May 04, 2006
Currently listening to : Blue - Joni Mitchell .............and remeb… -
Thursday Apr 27, 2006
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Friday Apr 21, 2006
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and then the fuckin idiot that owns the house that your working in isn't home.......and where the fuck is he?
who knows.
He apparently forgot that there were a couple of guys coming to his house early in the morning to work their asses off.........so here it is 10:00am.........I can't go back to sleep because I've been up for 4 hours and theres fuck all to do.
Perhaps I'll go kick a puppy.
Either that or I'll help an old woman across the street while carrying her groceries.
Both of these things are only possible if I can find A) a puppy or B) and old woman carrying groceries across a street.
"It must be thursday........I could never get the hang of thursdays." -A.D.
[Edited on Jan 19, 2006 10:20AM]