you know.I know alot of you don't listen to the same music I do........but theres this rumor going around that Phish is going to play MSG in October under the name Jemp.......that really pisses me off.......Trey Anastasio, the guitar player......made this big fuckin deal about how they needed to branch out and not play with one another anymore..and he went on the fucking Charlie rose show and cried like a bitch about it for an hour or me being the head that I am, I go to what ( I think) will be my last 2 Phish shows (one I dragged the lovely Miss Abarat to........she'll tell you she hated it but she really LOVED it).........and now after a year and a half they decide that they can't stay broken up............WEAK.....I think if they actuallty do get back together I'll go just to throw lettuce and tomatos at them.
On a lighter note I found this really cool picture the other day
mmmmmmmmmmmm makes me hungry
On a lighter note I found this really cool picture the other day

I am leaving to go pick up your Christmas present. I've been waiting for it to arrive at a store. An anonymous store. And even though you have been far from good this year, I might dress up like a naughty Santa's helper and let you have it.