A poem.
I have fallen in love a dozen times today.
I see beauty in your anger
and find joy in the crone's frown.
everything that we do is good.
the world is perfect. Precisely perfect. We have nothing to fear.
but might it not be just a little better if our clothes were off?
Lovin' yer guts
- Danjal
I have fallen in love a dozen times today.
I see beauty in your anger
and find joy in the crone's frown.
everything that we do is good.
the world is perfect. Precisely perfect. We have nothing to fear.
but might it not be just a little better if our clothes were off?
Lovin' yer guts
- Danjal

Ha ha ha
Now I see where one gets when they have a degree in English.
With sincerity of course,