rest in peace dimebag, your music influenced me in alot of ways. we're all going to miss you.
fuck that guy who killed you, he took away good music from the rest of us. i hope nobody else has been declared dead.....
fuck, im going to go watch some pantera videos.
edit: do i get my hood pierced? i dont know. harrison is doing his apprenticeship and i have been helping him out.....i never really was interested in it. eehhh what do you people think?
fuck that guy who killed you, he took away good music from the rest of us. i hope nobody else has been declared dead.....
fuck, im going to go watch some pantera videos.

edit: do i get my hood pierced? i dont know. harrison is doing his apprenticeship and i have been helping him out.....i never really was interested in it. eehhh what do you people think?
(and yes, i do, haha!
as for the hood, i dunno. in the words of sheryl crow, 'if it makes you happy, it can't be that bad'
I love Pantera. Dimebag is one of my favorite guitarist. RIP.
I'm not a big fan of hood piercings, but getting any type of piercing is cool so you should do it anyways haha.