i miss life. i miss the way my life used to be actually. i missed how perfect i thought the world was, and how it would always be that way. i am very naive, duh. ha.
my friends so close and so open-eared, harrison and i were problem free, rather still even together, school was easy, my mother and i actually had a relationship, i actually maybe gave a fuck back then, but now? where did it go?
i know the pieces fit cause i watched them fall away...
this will ease it. the months just keep flying by...leaving gaps in my life i dont know how to close.
i wish i wasnt me sometimes; that i wouldnt act the way i do its embarrassing.
im sorry harrison, im sorry to all whom have had to deal with me.
i am finally seeing why i was the one worth leaving
my friends so close and so open-eared, harrison and i were problem free, rather still even together, school was easy, my mother and i actually had a relationship, i actually maybe gave a fuck back then, but now? where did it go?
i know the pieces fit cause i watched them fall away...
this will ease it. the months just keep flying by...leaving gaps in my life i dont know how to close.
i wish i wasnt me sometimes; that i wouldnt act the way i do its embarrassing.
im sorry harrison, im sorry to all whom have had to deal with me.
i am finally seeing why i was the one worth leaving
Serious as a heart attack!!!!
I've got a thing or 2 to discuss with you.
Please call by saturday.