In the High School years i promise to myself: "when i'll have a job, i realize all my dreams".
Now i have a job that i love, and i've started to do anything for myself: piercings, my first house (in rent), my first travel alone (Bristol on October 2015), the first car that i pay alone.... but, if i achieve some objectives that i deicide to reach, i want my first tattoo. With piercings, i dreamt tattoos since my adolescence, and now i can realise this thing :)
I'll start with a little tattoo, i think on my left wrist, i want there my bass guitar, because i really love music, or a biologic molecule on an other part of my body (shoulder?)... but i really want a giant tattoo on my back... a very big tattoo, with all my symbols and affect.
I'm sure that i want only originals tattoos, i don't like simple tattoos that all the people have, or my pictures have significance for myself or nothing.
I really want to realize this dream ^^