things are always so up and down in my life. i'm still working 60+ hours a week, and still manage to be broke. i don't get it. somebody come be my sugar daddy. pfft.
yesterday was a bitter sweet day for sure. i had to put my sweet baby kitten to sleep, she had kitten leukemia. it was really hard. but she was so sick, and i didn't want her to suffer or be in anymore pain. she was only a year old ;[
so after a few hours of crying i went to my girl lowey's house. she was having a "special" get together, which was the shit. and now all i wanna do is spin some lights man.
well thats it i guess. PEACE THE FUCK OUT!
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things are always so up and down in my life. i'm still working 60+ hours a week, and still manage to be broke. i don't get it. somebody come be my sugar daddy. pfft.
yesterday was a bitter sweet day for sure. i had to put my sweet baby kitten to sleep, she had kitten leukemia. it was really hard. but she was so sick, and i didn't want her to suffer or be in anymore pain. she was only a year old ;[
so after a few hours of crying i went to my girl lowey's house. she was having a "special" get together, which was the shit. and now all i wanna do is spin some lights man.
well thats it i guess. PEACE THE FUCK OUT!

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just wanted to make new friends, you seem awesome.. take care of yourself