This week has been a really weird week for me.
For the first time in probably 4 years I went on a real date.
Another thing that is weird to say is I haven't really dated someone IRL since I was probably 18. I'm 24 now...
Everyone says that these are the times you're supposed to be exploring and stuff like that. I feel like I'm getting to that point where its time to start settling down.
In doing so I went on my first date in a long time. It's funny to observe how much I suck at being not awkward. I'm not sure how to act, but like myself. But I get the feeling sometimes that I'm a bit too awkward sometimes.
Secondly I don't know how to follow up on a date. I'm bad at reading signs if she's feeling me or not. I'm a really big pussy about not calling. I ALWAYS call...and I know I'm supposed to not call for a while...shit like that.
Anyway, I don't know.
I'm very lonely lately. I hope I can move soon. This place is starting to get to me and I'm very much awaiting the next step of my life. Med school. A way to keep me busy in a good way. But again, I'm really lonely and it sucks. I'm wondering what I'm going to be like in 5 years....
For the first time in probably 4 years I went on a real date.
Another thing that is weird to say is I haven't really dated someone IRL since I was probably 18. I'm 24 now...
Everyone says that these are the times you're supposed to be exploring and stuff like that. I feel like I'm getting to that point where its time to start settling down.
In doing so I went on my first date in a long time. It's funny to observe how much I suck at being not awkward. I'm not sure how to act, but like myself. But I get the feeling sometimes that I'm a bit too awkward sometimes.
Secondly I don't know how to follow up on a date. I'm bad at reading signs if she's feeling me or not. I'm a really big pussy about not calling. I ALWAYS call...and I know I'm supposed to not call for a while...shit like that.
Anyway, I don't know.
I'm very lonely lately. I hope I can move soon. This place is starting to get to me and I'm very much awaiting the next step of my life. Med school. A way to keep me busy in a good way. But again, I'm really lonely and it sucks. I'm wondering what I'm going to be like in 5 years....
I think you should just be you, don't be something different just to please someone. You are an awesome man. It will happen when the time is right, you have alot going on right now, and you don't need to rush into anything yet.
I really wished I haden't gone to my sg account to find a picture... Now I just have a place to fucking watch you from afar. Jesus christ, I can never get a god damn break!