So i'm thinking of making an etsy page : )
Selling prints and whatever crafty spooky ideas that come to mind.
Also I wish airfair would go down jebus I need some texas in my life so if any of you know super cheap airfair websites let a girl know ! . I need to go see my friends !!!
I've been in a rather creative mood lately and I plan on taking advantage of it till it's full extent.
On a more kick ass note I've successfully fought crowds,
pissed off a few elderly people and have completed my spookmas shopping.
Seriously x-mas music is going to set someone off one day on a mass killing spree.
Other then that i've still got a few cards to send out .

Selling prints and whatever crafty spooky ideas that come to mind.
Also I wish airfair would go down jebus I need some texas in my life so if any of you know super cheap airfair websites let a girl know ! . I need to go see my friends !!!
I've been in a rather creative mood lately and I plan on taking advantage of it till it's full extent.
On a more kick ass note I've successfully fought crowds,
pissed off a few elderly people and have completed my spookmas shopping.
Seriously x-mas music is going to set someone off one day on a mass killing spree.
Other then that i've still got a few cards to send out .

As for flights to Texas, yeah they are expensive! If you could maybe bus? or train, or drive? It's a long trip those ways though...
I've got a flickr page so all my example work will be on there i've got a few collages in the works.