This week can already suck it.
I was rushing all over the place yesterday trying to get all of my shit done and still get to class on time... and mid-sprint for the bus I got a call from my physician. Apparently there was some sort of abnormality with my last pap, and I have to go in next Tuesday afternoon to "discuss" it. I was late for the bus already, and ended up making the appointment for a time when I couldn't possibly be there. (All fixed now though.)
Realistically I know that there are lots of reasons it might've come back abnormal, and I likely have nothing at all to worry about. But of course that isn't going to stop me stressing out, ugh. There's a history of both breast and cervical cancer in my family, and I constantly worry about it already.
On top of that I have at least two more tests this week besides the French one I did last night. Plus assignments and saksjdkajsdna. I don't know why I keep thinking school is such a good idea when I'm miiiiiserable at everything it involves.
Wah wah, sorry that all I do lately is complain
I was rushing all over the place yesterday trying to get all of my shit done and still get to class on time... and mid-sprint for the bus I got a call from my physician. Apparently there was some sort of abnormality with my last pap, and I have to go in next Tuesday afternoon to "discuss" it. I was late for the bus already, and ended up making the appointment for a time when I couldn't possibly be there. (All fixed now though.)
Realistically I know that there are lots of reasons it might've come back abnormal, and I likely have nothing at all to worry about. But of course that isn't going to stop me stressing out, ugh. There's a history of both breast and cervical cancer in my family, and I constantly worry about it already.
On top of that I have at least two more tests this week besides the French one I did last night. Plus assignments and saksjdkajsdna. I don't know why I keep thinking school is such a good idea when I'm miiiiiserable at everything it involves.
Wah wah, sorry that all I do lately is complain

there there *hugs*
School is a necessary evil.You can handle it, you just have to keep your head down and plow through it. I hear you though... I've got another 4 years coming my way