i have a group presentation in an hour.. i feel ill prpared and i wore a weird top that keeps falling too low so that my bra is showing... and in my infinite genious my bra doesn't match anything i have one .... oh boi.
At an exciting point in my life. I'm moving to NYC, but the excitement isn't solely in the move. I'm really excited about the space it will give be for reinvention.
I'm going to use the transition time as a time to cleanse and renew. I want to shave me head, and start a master cleanse.... i think it will be really good for me.... Read More
wow so i just finished a two day stint of watching True Blood. I loved it, and for the first time in a while i have vampire fever. Vampires are really fucking seductive, the only thing that kinda peeves me out is that the vampire/ human love stories are always so hegemonic. Why is it that it's always a fragile women who falls for a... Read More
you should write your own version. i'm sur there'd be an audience for it (i'm among that number). the only stories i've seen or watched w/ an empowered female vampire are the ones where she seduces the female/male in as prey....not sure if i'd call those love stories lol. i dont know...would you consider The Hunger somewhat of a tragic love tale?
Once again i've let myself plum forget about my suicide girl subscription. How silly of me. Everytime i come back i swear i'll never forget , but i always do.
I'm almost sure that all the people who i used to find interesting have let their subscrptions run out or they have forgotten about me. However for those of you still interested, Here's an update:... Read More
I hate it when I disappear for a few months and a bunch of my favorite people are gone. Luckily a lot of them can still be found elsewhere on the world wide webs.
That immediate post-breakup time always sucks, but I encourage people to use that time to work on becoming even more awesome than they previously were. And while you do that, you start to attract a whole new contingent of hot people from whom you can pick and choose at your will.
Was cleaning out my friends list. Deleting the creepsters, random shirtless guys, and a couple of newly-saved Jesus freaks, etc. I think you're safe.