The universe has it out for me. I did 4 photoshoots this weekend so I have a ton of crop-n-shopping to do and now my monitor is fucked up. In technical term; the red gun is out. In less technical terms; my monitor doesn't show the color red anymore. Just blue and green. In simple terms; I'm fucked until I get a new monitor.
I think I've got it all covered though. If I have to I'll just go buy one, but the problem is that I just dropped a bunch of money for the CDAF show. JUst getting the prints cost over $100 and framing is over 4x that much. And I have a shor in mid-July that will cost me 4x that much to prepare for. And THEN I need to be able to pay for my frikken wedding and honeymoon by August 6th. Blah.
Anyway, it was a busy weekend and moderately busy week is ahead of me, so maybe a day off from editing is a good thing.
Angela was a huge help this weekend. We both worked our asses off but I'm glad we got to spend so much time together. She's my special girl and I would be absolutely lost without her.
P.S. I just realized I forgot to add a picture. This one is a painting I did a few years ago. This pic does not do it justice and I don't have it handy to get another shot of it as it's sort of in a private collection somewhere.
I think I've got it all covered though. If I have to I'll just go buy one, but the problem is that I just dropped a bunch of money for the CDAF show. JUst getting the prints cost over $100 and framing is over 4x that much. And I have a shor in mid-July that will cost me 4x that much to prepare for. And THEN I need to be able to pay for my frikken wedding and honeymoon by August 6th. Blah.
Anyway, it was a busy weekend and moderately busy week is ahead of me, so maybe a day off from editing is a good thing.
Angela was a huge help this weekend. We both worked our asses off but I'm glad we got to spend so much time together. She's my special girl and I would be absolutely lost without her.
P.S. I just realized I forgot to add a picture. This one is a painting I did a few years ago. This pic does not do it justice and I don't have it handy to get another shot of it as it's sort of in a private collection somewhere.

but still funny as shit.