This is what I've been doing lately. Thanks to the Denver Roller Dolls, Angeluca, Prcnct13, LilAmySunshine and everyone who helped me make this happen.
This and the fact that I had an abscessed tooth that was infecting my jaw and nerves in my neck at the time I was shooting the calendar causing severe pain and illness and then the oral surgery two days ago and now the pain pills are why I haven't been so good at replying to messages, emails and blog comments. I'm doing the best I can. Please be patient with me for a while.
I was shooting Angeluca's SG set last Saturday at the studio using natural light and about halfway through a friggin train pulled up and parked some boxcars outside the windows blocking the light. The light was still good but so different from what we had before that we decided to try again another time. We're shooting a different set idea next Saturday. Shooting seems to be the only thing that helps me keep my mind off the pain.
I really appreciate Angeluca's help and patience through all of this. I know I'm not fun to be around. Her B-day is December 5th. Give her some lurve.
PS. Testimonials are most appreciated. -DK
How sweet of you! I really appreciate the things you told me about photography. I have since been much more careful with things like the guitar arm sending people off the picture, and not creating a bullseye shot. Thanks a lot!! Have a great 2007!
I see your point, and agree to some extent. But sometimes the comments are just plain mean. I think I am more sensitive to others getting criticized than myself. I've always been kind of protective like that. I always bullied the bully's in school.