I need a neck and shoulder rub...
Stress blows.
Just in case you thought the picture in Angeluca's journal was a lucky accident... here's a couple more.
Here are a couple from another shoot that won't fit in the journal. These are some black and white nudes of Angeluca in a cool chair.
Go tell her how smoking hot she is.
More shoots this weekend. I've been working with a new assistant until prcnct13 get's done with his work overload. prcnct13 is by far the best assistant I've worked with. He's going to be a motherfucker of a photographer when he breaks out on his own.
One of my studio mates and I are working on a deal with the Denver Roller Dolls to possible photograph a bout. Here they are on myspace; http://www.myspace.com/denverrollerdolls
Speaking of myspace, I've been working on my page. I know it's kinda lame, but I'm old and these computer gizmos confuse me. Here's where I live on myspace; http://www.myspace.com/danielkphoto
Check it out and let me know what you think.
As always, if you like my photography or have worked with me or were helped by me please take a moment and say something nice on my Directory Page. I'd really appreciate it.

Stress blows.
Just in case you thought the picture in Angeluca's journal was a lucky accident... here's a couple more.

Here are a couple from another shoot that won't fit in the journal. These are some black and white nudes of Angeluca in a cool chair.
Go tell her how smoking hot she is.

More shoots this weekend. I've been working with a new assistant until prcnct13 get's done with his work overload. prcnct13 is by far the best assistant I've worked with. He's going to be a motherfucker of a photographer when he breaks out on his own.
One of my studio mates and I are working on a deal with the Denver Roller Dolls to possible photograph a bout. Here they are on myspace; http://www.myspace.com/denverrollerdolls
Speaking of myspace, I've been working on my page. I know it's kinda lame, but I'm old and these computer gizmos confuse me. Here's where I live on myspace; http://www.myspace.com/danielkphoto
Check it out and let me know what you think.
As always, if you like my photography or have worked with me or were helped by me please take a moment and say something nice on my Directory Page. I'd really appreciate it.

I'm just moving to a new apartment here in Golden.. I'm putting my things in storage over the summer though, because I'll be back in Florida until August.
I do have alot of fun with it. The recent ones were a spur of the moment thing. I think i just had more fun being in a fairly public area.