I don't have time to type much...Lately thingshavebeen wonderful--for the mostpart. The girl from the Ukraine is so sweet--but wearejustfriendsbecause I don't think we are lookingfor the same thing. Wearegreat friends though.. such a sweety!
I've been hanging out with another girl. Weseem to be moreon the level.Wearetaking it slow though --you know whatcan happen when you don't...Anything! I've nevertaken anything slow so it aint so easy.easy.She is really cool.
So do any of ya'll have profiles on MINDSPACE.COM. I think it's cool. I've metsome cool people on thatsite. So go there! Look for me! danielr@batdorf.com
I've been hanging out with another girl. Weseem to be moreon the level.Wearetaking it slow though --you know whatcan happen when you don't...Anything! I've nevertaken anything slow so it aint so easy.easy.She is really cool.
So do any of ya'll have profiles on MINDSPACE.COM. I think it's cool. I've metsome cool people on thatsite. So go there! Look for me! danielr@batdorf.com
Happy holidays to you and yours... miss ya doll