I got a little drunk last night.We went to Tattletales and had a blast. Optimistress never fails to attract all the pierced up tattooed girls-so we had plenty of company. We gave one of the girls a ride home. Opti. and her really hit it off.
I met another girl whos mom died 2 days ago she wasn't doing too good. She was really high and had cut her arm all up with a razor. I can't stop thinking of her. I wanna go hang out and comfort her................
Tonight--Black Lips play at the echo..I hope to see some sgs there.

I met another girl whos mom died 2 days ago she wasn't doing too good. She was really high and had cut her arm all up with a razor. I can't stop thinking of her. I wanna go hang out and comfort her................

Tonight--Black Lips play at the echo..I hope to see some sgs there.

Damn. I always miss all the fun.