umm..Its saturday and i'm gonna go get a llittle wasted..I was good on friday and didn't drink because i was hanging with my brother who is trying to be good right now so i did the same..Going to have some friends over tonight then go out for drinks in cabbage town.There isn't much going on here--i've been sitting around today playin the guitar and listening to all the new music i got over the holidays--oh i did go to tower last night and picked up The Mars Volta and Son of Sam--both of which i am very pleased with...Speaking of Son of Sam--I got opti,my bro and myself tickets to see afi in feb. --Can't wAit! Its gonna be at the Tabernacle --an old ass church in the middle of downtown--The best place to see a band like them..
i'm out.....................
i'm out.....................

That Mars Volta album kicks ass, don't it? I particularly enjoy the last track.
I was a dumbass and left those horror movies that I was gonna borrow at your place--I will get them next time.
Thanks for having me over--it was fun!
See ya'll later.