Its 2004 yo.....where did the year go? I had a little too much fun last night with not enough food in me..After guinness #4 i needed some tater tots but the earl had already closed the i continued to drink and had a great time..Has anyone out there seen the Woggles? Holy shit what a way to bring in the new year--they fucking rock..when they took the stage the energy in the room was amazing..If you like old school punk--like 1970s --well then you should check out the WOGGLES-these guys are my new favorite local group. Tiger Tiger played first--they rocked too! Buffy from the subsonics is the singer for that group..and last to play were the BLACK LIPS...can you say drunk punk??these guys were so wasted they could barely stand up..they tore up some stuffed animals and threw the feathers everywhere--firecrackers exploding on stage..and to top it off the bassist climbs on top of one of the amps and jumps right on top of the guitar player--head first so that guitar is out of the picture--the other guitar player throws his guitar at the bassist and then the drummer tackles the bassist and sends him flying off stage--then he picks the guuy up and body slams him to the cement floor--as all this was happening i watched the guitar player walk back stage when all of a sudden the bassist for the woggles pops the shit out of him..i think maybe that was his guitar that they trashed...oops---what a great show!!!! Then we drove to the next party--i met so many cool people last night...what were their names?? I still had one more stop to make but never left that party until like 530 so it was time to go home....after some dry heaving and some rest--i feel much better..I hope all my sg friends had good new year!!!
that stuffs to strong for me