Hail! SGers. I just wanted to quickly blog if I may about Curb Your Enthusiasm. It is hilarity on a stick, and I love Cheryl Hines who plays Cheryl David. HBO have a good show in Curb Your Enthusiasm, I wonder how long it's life span will be?
Other than watching Larry David everyday(mainly as a relaxation technique), the rioting in London has appeared to have ceased and we are left with an aftermath. An aftermath of passing the blame, policies to punish those involved (by cutting benefits?) and getting to know your social pariahs... I think I am one?
Anyway, on the 08th August which was arguably the worst day of looting and criminal damage, I live you with some British comedy gold... (watch it in full at Blink Box for free)
Other than watching Larry David everyday(mainly as a relaxation technique), the rioting in London has appeared to have ceased and we are left with an aftermath. An aftermath of passing the blame, policies to punish those involved (by cutting benefits?) and getting to know your social pariahs... I think I am one?
Anyway, on the 08th August which was arguably the worst day of looting and criminal damage, I live you with some British comedy gold... (watch it in full at Blink Box for free)
I absolutely love Curb Your Enthusiasm.