so... i went to work today and it started snowing. which sucks because i have to drive over a 3 mile bridge to get to and from my work which ices reeeeally easily. so i left for work adn my check coolant light came on, and its cold as fuck outside and i dont have time to deal with that, so i turned around, went home and got the van instead. so everything went from from there to work. i got to work and only made $1.50 in tips which fuckin sucked. and on my way, as im just getting onto the bridge...BOOM... i fuckin hit some ice going like 40 (which is 25 less than i usually do, so its not like i was speeding...), lost complete control of the van; i was swerving all over the was scary as fuck. then when the fight or flight thing kicked in in my body, i eased the breaks on, hit the side of the bridge with my front left, and ended up in the middel of the bridge facing the wrong direction. i was wearing my seatbelt and the air bags came out, so im okay. i blacked out for a second and somehow the ball came off my lip ring. my lip is actually still slightly numb... luckily, a car stopped and the man was SOO NICE and called 911 for me and told me to wait in the van because its cold outside. he was so nice i wish i could have given him a hug, so i waited in the van for a minute or two, freaked OUT (ive never been in an accident before) and gather shit back into by purse (my cup of coffee spilled, all my ciggarettes came outta the box, my beanie came off my head...all kinds of shit everywhere). the fire department came super quickly and were the nicest friendlist men! they moved the van for me, called the tow truck and yadda yadda. by this point, my husband and our friend had arrived and were waiting in the FREEZING cold for a state trooper to come. well an hour later, the tow truck has come and gone, and no fuckin state trooper. so the firemen just tell us to go home and the cop will call tonight. its been two hours since the accident and no calls from cops. man...fuck the cops. the firemen were so nice and polite and QUICK...teh cops never fuckin came. bastards... but yeah, the whole experience kinda sucked as a whole. i thought i was going to flip over the side of the bridge and get stuck in the icy water. man im still kinda freaked out... estimated damage to the van was $1000. that really fuckin sucks...
but im okay and no one else got hurt, so thats all that matters...

hey dani... just added you as a sg favorite... cause you sew and well i could only bite my lip thinkin i wanna make out with her... glad you're ok from your slide on ice...
So wait a minute ur married? -