i have a 10 page poetry analysis due on thursday. so after working 8 hours tomarrow, i must come home and bull shit my ass off. and i have a paper to write on Mumia-Abu Jamal, but thats cool because it will be fun and easy to write. if you dont know who mumia is, try and check out his website. www.mumia.org
ps- do i sound whiney and annoying complaining about my schoolwork? if so, i appologize. it just sucks working full time and going to college full time, quite stressful at times.
ps- do i sound whiney and annoying complaining about my schoolwork? if so, i appologize. it just sucks working full time and going to college full time, quite stressful at times.


I know how you feel, I waited the whole last semester of my senior year to write my Senior Thesis. I luckily got it done in 3 hours (12 pages). I was excited to get an A on it. Who ever said procrastination doesnt pay off?