Fuck George W. Bush.
thats all i gotta say... if he wins this election again, i will be in mourning for this country's future 4 years. this man is the biggest mistake that has ever come across america. he is money hungry - a rich bastard!- that doesnt give a shit about the PEOPLE, he only cares about his fuckin oil-lined pocket and rich friends. he is turning this country into a fuckin police state, and that aint cool. not to mention his (haha) foreign policies....
Fuck George W. Bush!
(thats bush. a stupid monkey faced idiot)
thats all i gotta say... if he wins this election again, i will be in mourning for this country's future 4 years. this man is the biggest mistake that has ever come across america. he is money hungry - a rich bastard!- that doesnt give a shit about the PEOPLE, he only cares about his fuckin oil-lined pocket and rich friends. he is turning this country into a fuckin police state, and that aint cool. not to mention his (haha) foreign policies....
Fuck George W. Bush!

Keep the faith.