whats up with spongebob squarepants? its a sponge the same size as a crab, which is the same size as a squirrel, which is living underwater. and if they live on the ocean floor, why is it so light all the time? also, how can spongebob be a fry cook; you cant have electricity underwater! what a wierd cartoon. maybe the creators are stoners...or maybe i just am... ha.
so yeah, waking up at 6 tomarrow, driving 3 hours to greenville and back, then i have some school work to do for my art appreciation classand i have a ton of stuff i gotta list on ebay, i havnt sold anything in like 3 weeks... aye.
so yeah, waking up at 6 tomarrow, driving 3 hours to greenville and back, then i have some school work to do for my art appreciation classand i have a ton of stuff i gotta list on ebay, i havnt sold anything in like 3 weeks... aye.
i like your tattoos.
waiting for your set to go live with much anticipation.