today sucked. first my roomate comes home this morning because he gets fired from his job. that sucks.
then me and andy leave for school, which is normally cool but my 2nd class was a no-no today so i had an hour and a half to kill. then i get to m 3rd class, which is sailing and the raddest class ever, but it was too widny to sail. that sucks.
so after school andy had an eye doctor appt (he had lasic surgery a few months ago and it was a checkup), and after waiting like 40 minutes we left. i hate waiting. doctors are professionals, they FIX people, youd think they could scheldule us a good time... so that sucks.
my friend Cam got into a pretty bad motorcylce accident a few weeks ago. so me and andy went to go visit him today, drove like an hour to the hospital and found out he was transferred to another hospital a week earlier than he should have been. so that really sucks.
then to just top it off, i was driving home and an undercover cop rolls up fast as shit behind me with lights on. im stressed as is, i dont wanna fuckin ticket! but he passed me super fast in the turning lane and kept on going. it almost gave me a heart attack. and i dont like cops. that sucked.
so that was my day thus far. sucky.
wish me a better night!
then me and andy leave for school, which is normally cool but my 2nd class was a no-no today so i had an hour and a half to kill. then i get to m 3rd class, which is sailing and the raddest class ever, but it was too widny to sail. that sucks.
so after school andy had an eye doctor appt (he had lasic surgery a few months ago and it was a checkup), and after waiting like 40 minutes we left. i hate waiting. doctors are professionals, they FIX people, youd think they could scheldule us a good time... so that sucks.
my friend Cam got into a pretty bad motorcylce accident a few weeks ago. so me and andy went to go visit him today, drove like an hour to the hospital and found out he was transferred to another hospital a week earlier than he should have been. so that really sucks.
then to just top it off, i was driving home and an undercover cop rolls up fast as shit behind me with lights on. im stressed as is, i dont wanna fuckin ticket! but he passed me super fast in the turning lane and kept on going. it almost gave me a heart attack. and i dont like cops. that sucked.
so that was my day thus far. sucky.

welcome !

ha thanks guys....