soo... as a result of over 2 grand in ER bills, i am selling a few things on the bay... i have been slack and only listed 1/5 of the shit i have, but whateva... if anyone is interested, my ebay seller id is heyfoxymophandlemamathatsme. and i know its long; if anyone is down, its a pearl jam song. a creepy as fuck one if you ask me. but anywho, so far theres just some old (and a few new) clothes and a painting and some music stuff...random shit... but since im smoked out of inspiration to do any art tonight (although i am considering the good ol resin scrape) i should get off my lazy ass and list some more shit...
hasta luego mother fuckas.
hasta luego mother fuckas.

(Good luck with the old Eeeebaay. I've never tried selling but I 've purchased quite a bit from there.)