computer problems again!! so no pictures this time. i do have alot of new ones for you guys though. next update.
so as im writing this, im feeling pretty odd. i just got a phone call from a buddy tellin me that this guy i despised just got killed in a car accident. he was freinds of friends kinda thing so it was hard to avoid him sometimes. when i did see him though, i talked alot of shit right in his face until he left. it didnt usually take too long.
he was a tennant of mine at the house here for a short time. a room mate to friends/co workers. i airbrushed his used helmet for him and figured i would hook him up for cheap cause hes my new tennant. wel the fucker never paid me. i never gave him the helmet either, but its used so i cant sell it to someone else. plus its all scratched up now anyway. all this was about a year ago. while im waiting for my money, i see the bitch come home with brand new 22 inch rims for his truck! i didnt really say anything till a few weeks later on mothers day, im about to got to my parents house, i see him in front having a whole new big ass stereo system in his truck now!!! subs, deck, amp, everything. brand new!! i got pissed and got in his face about it, slapped the deck out of his hands and snapped all the wires hangin and kicked him out of the house. he was shittin his pants and had his girl call the cops on me. so i had to deal with the cops before seein my mom. i got him out of the house at least. he started painting his entire bedroom extremely terribly. just a fuckin unfinished mess. ruined and has to totally redone!! the ugliest room i have ever been in. ...... ohhh yeah. i forgot to add the part about when his stripper girlfriend was butt naked, drunk as hell lapdancing me, inked4life and another friend at the time. theres a few pics floatin around me and djs pic folders. fun night!! it was before she even met this guy but thought it was a nice detail to this story. this guy shit on alot of mutual friends in all kinds of ways through a short time. they all must have more tollerance for all that than me. im old and sick of it by now!! cant help it. the abundance is unbelievable!!
well, i dont wish death on anyone, but i hated this guy and i dont hate many people at all!! you have to be a major piece of shit to make me hate you. so thats the odd feeling im feelin right now. anyone been in a similar situation???
wow, that was long. otherwise,.... bruder is all settled in and kickin ass!!! he rules!!! being a great puppy, learning and listening very well so far. he had his first vet apt since i got him. hes 21 pounds and healthy as shit!! the vet himself has a bulldog and people for years have been bringin him their bulldogs. so i feel pretty comfortable there. plus its a few blocks from my house. great for a lazy guy and his lazy dog.
busy as hell at work and could use a damn vacation!!! goin to see 13 PILLS play tonight. first time im able to go out since i got bruder. gonna be fun.
everyone go say farewell to inked4life, his member ship is about done.
milwaukee tattoo convention!!! mid october!!! hope some SGrs come to my home town.
well, have a good weekend everyone and pics are commin next update.
.........i cant believe you read all this
so as im writing this, im feeling pretty odd. i just got a phone call from a buddy tellin me that this guy i despised just got killed in a car accident. he was freinds of friends kinda thing so it was hard to avoid him sometimes. when i did see him though, i talked alot of shit right in his face until he left. it didnt usually take too long.
he was a tennant of mine at the house here for a short time. a room mate to friends/co workers. i airbrushed his used helmet for him and figured i would hook him up for cheap cause hes my new tennant. wel the fucker never paid me. i never gave him the helmet either, but its used so i cant sell it to someone else. plus its all scratched up now anyway. all this was about a year ago. while im waiting for my money, i see the bitch come home with brand new 22 inch rims for his truck! i didnt really say anything till a few weeks later on mothers day, im about to got to my parents house, i see him in front having a whole new big ass stereo system in his truck now!!! subs, deck, amp, everything. brand new!! i got pissed and got in his face about it, slapped the deck out of his hands and snapped all the wires hangin and kicked him out of the house. he was shittin his pants and had his girl call the cops on me. so i had to deal with the cops before seein my mom. i got him out of the house at least. he started painting his entire bedroom extremely terribly. just a fuckin unfinished mess. ruined and has to totally redone!! the ugliest room i have ever been in. ...... ohhh yeah. i forgot to add the part about when his stripper girlfriend was butt naked, drunk as hell lapdancing me, inked4life and another friend at the time. theres a few pics floatin around me and djs pic folders. fun night!! it was before she even met this guy but thought it was a nice detail to this story. this guy shit on alot of mutual friends in all kinds of ways through a short time. they all must have more tollerance for all that than me. im old and sick of it by now!! cant help it. the abundance is unbelievable!!
well, i dont wish death on anyone, but i hated this guy and i dont hate many people at all!! you have to be a major piece of shit to make me hate you. so thats the odd feeling im feelin right now. anyone been in a similar situation???
wow, that was long. otherwise,.... bruder is all settled in and kickin ass!!! he rules!!! being a great puppy, learning and listening very well so far. he had his first vet apt since i got him. hes 21 pounds and healthy as shit!! the vet himself has a bulldog and people for years have been bringin him their bulldogs. so i feel pretty comfortable there. plus its a few blocks from my house. great for a lazy guy and his lazy dog.
busy as hell at work and could use a damn vacation!!! goin to see 13 PILLS play tonight. first time im able to go out since i got bruder. gonna be fun.
everyone go say farewell to inked4life, his member ship is about done.
milwaukee tattoo convention!!! mid october!!! hope some SGrs come to my home town.
well, have a good weekend everyone and pics are commin next update.
.........i cant believe you read all this
The only person I wish death upon is my step father. :x