Merry Christmas!
Happy Hannukah =)
W007 winter solstice!!!
Sooo. Firstofall:
I found a photographer! And, I thought of a really awesome photo concept that is totally me. You will find out in like a month, or two, depending on how long it takes me to become jacked enough for the concept.
I will be in NC this friday! I'll be playing with my friend Sheila. I have no idea if any of you are around Chapel Hill, or even anywhere in NC, but if you are, you are welcome to come get crazy with us. We are a hurricane.
Eesh. I really hate a couple traits in people. I don't like liars, and I don't like people who are unnecessarily mean. If you have actual, logical sense behind aggression, I am all for that. I heart justice. But I don't like people who pick on people for no reason, or for poor reason. For example, I don't like women who attack their boyfriends' best female friends just because they perceive them as 'competition'. Equally, I don't like men who attack their girlfriends' best female friends because they see them as 'obstacles'.
The same, obviously, applies in the opposite gender direction.
Don't ask me why I'm musing on that right now. I'm just kindof sick of insecurity. It makes people lie, it makes them change, and it makes them do things that would generally be against their ethics or morals. I'm sick of people not listening to the people who care about them; I'm sick of people blindly believing others. I'm sick of secrets. Why can't there be shades of grey?
Mauw =/
....anyway ignoring that, I REALLY AM VERY HAPPY!! I have a new tattoo and it is gorgeous. I am Icarus =P Minus the feathers. I'll attach a picture once it's more healed. Right now it is VERY VERY ITCHY, and covered in A&D. Yum!
Happy Hannukah =)
W007 winter solstice!!!
Sooo. Firstofall:
I found a photographer! And, I thought of a really awesome photo concept that is totally me. You will find out in like a month, or two, depending on how long it takes me to become jacked enough for the concept.
I will be in NC this friday! I'll be playing with my friend Sheila. I have no idea if any of you are around Chapel Hill, or even anywhere in NC, but if you are, you are welcome to come get crazy with us. We are a hurricane.
Eesh. I really hate a couple traits in people. I don't like liars, and I don't like people who are unnecessarily mean. If you have actual, logical sense behind aggression, I am all for that. I heart justice. But I don't like people who pick on people for no reason, or for poor reason. For example, I don't like women who attack their boyfriends' best female friends just because they perceive them as 'competition'. Equally, I don't like men who attack their girlfriends' best female friends because they see them as 'obstacles'.
The same, obviously, applies in the opposite gender direction.
Don't ask me why I'm musing on that right now. I'm just kindof sick of insecurity. It makes people lie, it makes them change, and it makes them do things that would generally be against their ethics or morals. I'm sick of people not listening to the people who care about them; I'm sick of people blindly believing others. I'm sick of secrets. Why can't there be shades of grey?
Mauw =/
....anyway ignoring that, I REALLY AM VERY HAPPY!! I have a new tattoo and it is gorgeous. I am Icarus =P Minus the feathers. I'll attach a picture once it's more healed. Right now it is VERY VERY ITCHY, and covered in A&D. Yum!

Had a great trip to Fla. Ate way too much
Hope your time in NC is killer! Have a great and Happy New Year!