I need a new top hat. Kissy bought me suspenders! Or picked them up for me, at least. They're kindof on the cheap side, but I love them anyway, and god do I want more. Suspenders are hot...
Speaking of hot, go check out my poor-picture-quality pictures if you haven't already. I think I look pretty good. I'm ordering a ton of spikes and studs and the like to fuck up that leather jacket.. very excited.
I really want to give myself a mohawk.. But I have this feeling I wouldn't look good with a partially shaved head..
Random blog post, I know, but I just woke up, and have nothing useful to say.
Speaking of hot, go check out my poor-picture-quality pictures if you haven't already. I think I look pretty good. I'm ordering a ton of spikes and studs and the like to fuck up that leather jacket.. very excited.
I really want to give myself a mohawk.. But I have this feeling I wouldn't look good with a partially shaved head..
Random blog post, I know, but I just woke up, and have nothing useful to say.
at my work we have american flag suspenders. the people who wear them do not flatter them though! they are usually old construction workers and they buy them in dozens sometimes haha! out of curiosity what is your opnion on mass? most people i know who move here from nj dont like it as much. just a thought.

What's up girl?????