I saw The Cycle Sluts From Hell in concert once. That's pretty funny. Dude, I was excited about it, too. I just think that is really fucking funny.
I have been in and out of manic fits lately. I'm finding it difficult to keep up with myself...or sleep.
Damn, I'm bored. Somebody give me something cool to do.
Damn, I'm bored. Somebody give me something cool to do.
its been awhile since u have updated lol just wondering whats goin on with you

So, I'm back from my epic cross country journey. It was life changing.
Except for the fact that my life has gone to Hell since coming home & the sweet girl that I have spent the last three years enraptured in has gotten totally depressed, turned into a cokehead & is now moving back to Chicago.
It happened a month & a half ago and...
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Except for the fact that my life has gone to Hell since coming home & the sweet girl that I have spent the last three years enraptured in has gotten totally depressed, turned into a cokehead & is now moving back to Chicago.
It happened a month & a half ago and...
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I'm leaving in a Prelude...
Until the end of August, my girl and I are traveling the country selling our super cool clothing line at various music festivals. I can't afford it and have no idea how we're going to eat on the journey. Wish me luck.
Anybody interested in swinging by and saying hi can check out our schedule at:
Morning is a Myth...
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Until the end of August, my girl and I are traveling the country selling our super cool clothing line at various music festivals. I can't afford it and have no idea how we're going to eat on the journey. Wish me luck.
Anybody interested in swinging by and saying hi can check out our schedule at:
Morning is a Myth...
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Since people have decided to argue over my choice to vote for Nader, I will address it here.
Someone cleverly pointed out that we don't even have a two party system and I agree. I think that both sides are equally corrupt and I want nothing with either.
I personally don't even agree with Nader. I don't think he'll make a good president. What he...
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Someone cleverly pointed out that we don't even have a two party system and I agree. I think that both sides are equally corrupt and I want nothing with either.
I personally don't even agree with Nader. I don't think he'll make a good president. What he...
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Since people have decided to argue over my choice to vote for Nader, I will address it here.
Someone cleverly pointed out that we don't even have a two party system and I agree. I think that both sides are equally corrupt and I want nothing with either.
I personally don't even agree with Nader. I don't think he'll make a good president. What he...
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Someone cleverly pointed out that we don't even have a two party system and I agree. I think that both sides are equally corrupt and I want nothing with either.
I personally don't even agree with Nader. I don't think he'll make a good president. What he...
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hey, man, I said stuff
They may cut your dick in half and serve it to a pig and though it hurts you'll laugh and dance a dickless jig. That's the way it goes, in war you're shat upon. Though we die, La Resistance carries on.
who r u? i like u.

By far and away my favorite part of my favorite song from that movie.
Every single thing you do effects the rest of eternity.
The media has been manipulating the public with sensationalism in this country since our birth. Do not believe everything you read. Understanding where we are coming from and why will always get you furthur than reading the headlines.
Thanks for the memories, Bob Hope, you will be missed.
No joke. Check out the Bob Hope article in last weeks Onion.
be well,
be well,
Thanks for commenting on my set