UPS is holding my belongings hostage and that is so not cool.
they have all of my cd's (exept for the 12 i took on the plane, so they have almost 400) my dvd player (which just happens to be bad ass, which is why i didn't just get a new one when i got here) and about 20 of my dvd's.
SO WAY UN COOL! !! those basterds
i think they're refusing to deliver it because its heavy, but they're claming that they need a company name to deliver it, scuse my but my apartment is'nt a fucking company(when i tell them that thier respones is "yeah thats wierd"). So i've talked to about 20 diffrent ups people on the phone and only one has been an asshole so far. last time they decided to screw me over every one was a complet a-hole( that time they were holding my plane tickets hostige two days before my flight, so i had to take a total of 6 buses on a 5 hour trip to some place way the fuck not in Seattle and pay $5 in bus fare for something i already had payed to have come to me)
So if they try to pull that bullshit again i'm going to fucking stab somebody.
So one a lighter note, started washing dishes at the same place i used to work at, I used to be a waitress but I sucked at it so now they have me in the backand promised I wouldn't have to deal with people. Yippy!
today i worked the lunch shift had to stay an hour longer then schedualed and then got to come home for an hour befor i had to turn back around and go do the dinner shift, had to stay on for an extra hour then too because about 10 min. before we closed a giagantic family decided to come in
and my hour of "rest" was spent on the phone with guess who UPfuckingS
Oh on a tottaly awesome note cut all my hair off
oh so cute
only bummer thing about it is that earlyier i put on a beenie and no makeup to run to the store and got asked if i was a boy, now usally that wouldn't bother me but had on a low cute shirt and the girls are far from small
oh well what can a girl do?
ok so i wanted to go to sleep about 6 hours ago and havent been able to so im going off to try again
Later days my lovelys
they have all of my cd's (exept for the 12 i took on the plane, so they have almost 400) my dvd player (which just happens to be bad ass, which is why i didn't just get a new one when i got here) and about 20 of my dvd's.
SO WAY UN COOL! !! those basterds
i think they're refusing to deliver it because its heavy, but they're claming that they need a company name to deliver it, scuse my but my apartment is'nt a fucking company(when i tell them that thier respones is "yeah thats wierd"). So i've talked to about 20 diffrent ups people on the phone and only one has been an asshole so far. last time they decided to screw me over every one was a complet a-hole( that time they were holding my plane tickets hostige two days before my flight, so i had to take a total of 6 buses on a 5 hour trip to some place way the fuck not in Seattle and pay $5 in bus fare for something i already had payed to have come to me)
So if they try to pull that bullshit again i'm going to fucking stab somebody.
So one a lighter note, started washing dishes at the same place i used to work at, I used to be a waitress but I sucked at it so now they have me in the backand promised I wouldn't have to deal with people. Yippy!
today i worked the lunch shift had to stay an hour longer then schedualed and then got to come home for an hour befor i had to turn back around and go do the dinner shift, had to stay on for an extra hour then too because about 10 min. before we closed a giagantic family decided to come in

and my hour of "rest" was spent on the phone with guess who UPfuckingS
Oh on a tottaly awesome note cut all my hair off
oh so cute
only bummer thing about it is that earlyier i put on a beenie and no makeup to run to the store and got asked if i was a boy, now usally that wouldn't bother me but had on a low cute shirt and the girls are far from small
oh well what can a girl do?
ok so i wanted to go to sleep about 6 hours ago and havent been able to so im going off to try again
Later days my lovelys