To find my place
What a weekend. We went in to record with Tom Bell on Friday night. Actually, Tom wasn't there, so we played with amps and practiced and got drunk. Then on Saturday night we did some drinking and hanging out at the studio, then starting tracking at abou 10:30.
We got several takes of six songs done (live, no vocals) which sounded pretty good for one in the morning.
Then on Sunday I did some overdubs, and my vocals. At this point we were going to start doing harmonies, but Sam brought in a triangle. Which turned into three hours of recording all kinds of sounds in hallways and toilets with organs and gas cyclinders.
We did eventually get the vocal harmonies done. We're making a video clip next, then mixing and finishing those tracks. Yay fun.
Check out No Depression Wilco fans. I say so!

What a weekend. We went in to record with Tom Bell on Friday night. Actually, Tom wasn't there, so we played with amps and practiced and got drunk. Then on Saturday night we did some drinking and hanging out at the studio, then starting tracking at abou 10:30.
We got several takes of six songs done (live, no vocals) which sounded pretty good for one in the morning.
Then on Sunday I did some overdubs, and my vocals. At this point we were going to start doing harmonies, but Sam brought in a triangle. Which turned into three hours of recording all kinds of sounds in hallways and toilets with organs and gas cyclinders.
We did eventually get the vocal harmonies done. We're making a video clip next, then mixing and finishing those tracks. Yay fun.
Check out No Depression Wilco fans. I say so!
we are going to have a flatwarming & you should definitely come! I'm sure it wouldn't be that hard. hitch!