blog. yeah, umm...
something was beeping this morning, I couldn't figure it out... it ended up being the boyfriend's keys, the little remote thing was telling me it had a low battery - so I replaced it and it like, sang while it went thru its checks of the security system. weird.
I think I'll actually clean out my car today, the interior at least, I might wash her tomorrow, but it says it's supposed to rain. friday is supposed to be all sunny and stuff - low tide being in the afternoon (and before school lets out) might warrant a beach walk.
on another note, someone sent me links to these really cute, t-shirts... the one with the toast isn't really my thing, but it plays into my plans for a car someday... (long story) and the marshmallows are just cute because of the horrible expression on the one that's getting toasted.
okay, I think that's all for now, time for me to get to cleaning and stuff. I'm also willing to bet that it might be a good idea for me to put on some pants first. ^_^
something was beeping this morning, I couldn't figure it out... it ended up being the boyfriend's keys, the little remote thing was telling me it had a low battery - so I replaced it and it like, sang while it went thru its checks of the security system. weird.
I think I'll actually clean out my car today, the interior at least, I might wash her tomorrow, but it says it's supposed to rain. friday is supposed to be all sunny and stuff - low tide being in the afternoon (and before school lets out) might warrant a beach walk.
on another note, someone sent me links to these really cute, t-shirts... the one with the toast isn't really my thing, but it plays into my plans for a car someday... (long story) and the marshmallows are just cute because of the horrible expression on the one that's getting toasted.

okay, I think that's all for now, time for me to get to cleaning and stuff. I'm also willing to bet that it might be a good idea for me to put on some pants first. ^_^