Oh man, so I turned 26, went to the 710 Cup in Denver, moved to a new place in Boulder.
Still making hash.
Now some opinion for the few friends I have on here.
I joined SG strictly with a gift account to stay in contact with one of my closest friends moving to Israel who didnt have facebook. The site really grew on me and I loved watching all the member interactions.
I just read that regional groups may go public and everyone is acting like we just hit terror alert level orange or something. My reasoning for being FOR this is, I spent nearly a year after I moved to Colorado pending to join SGCO even though I was already accepted to SGAZ when I lived there for not being a creeper and someone interested in the online community of SG. How is someone supposed to get vouched into a group if they have no one to talk to from the area on this site. I had just moved and had no friends let alone knew people who were not only active on SG but apart of the SGCO group. Aside from randomly sending messages to people from my area I had to wait until my girlfriend moved here then joined then vouched for me. Having private regional groups where people from the area are supposed to be trying to make new friend is sort of counter productive. Plus I'm just bitter from waiting a whole year to find out my region doesn't even have events that often. Hopefully opening up these groups will bring in more people like me who just want to meet people in their area with similar interests . Anyway end rant plus Guilty until proven innocent enough to join isn't very American.
