jeeze work work work. I have a love/hate relationship with picking my own hours because some days I'll work 4 hours and want nothing more to just leave (which I do). Other days though I'll be in the shop for over 12 hours just working away by myself. I am really liking all this freedom I have been given but I still feel I need to be working harder to show my appreciation. I guess it's that little bit of a Marine left in me, my tiny voice drives me all the time even when I know no one is around and I don't need to be working so hard. One of my best friends in high school came into Boulder to visit. He was my adventure friend, bored on a friday night in high school? lets drive to a city two hours away and find a party which we were almost always successful at. Now we're a bit older so our adventures are a bit bigger. We're going back packing in the Rockies this weekend. Hiking into Lost Lake and setting up camp, then a hike to King Lake at 11,000 feet. Good time to come, this was supposed to be "my year" and I just got shit on for 6 straight months. I am feeling this turn around so lets finish out 2012 strong. Stay safe and look after on another


So how was your weekend with your friend? Find some trouble?