I'm just trying to help people live their lives easier and more comfortably! for those who don't know i legally make hash for medical marijuana in Colorado and as you can guess there is a lot of paper work and licensing involved. Long story short I've been waiting for my license to be approved for a month now and the city just got back to and said I would hear back in 2 weeks to 2 months! This is my living and my passion thats like telling a movie critic that we'll be by to set up your home theater between 9 am and 11 am in between may and august.
oh well have to keep those positive vibes going out. How are all of you?
P.s. saw Prometheus last night. It's not for everyone but if you like Ripley Scott's work, It's going to be up there with his best's especially in 3D

oh well have to keep those positive vibes going out. How are all of you?
P.s. saw Prometheus last night. It's not for everyone but if you like Ripley Scott's work, It's going to be up there with his best's especially in 3D