This made me larf:
Anagrams always remind me of an incident I had in my high school American history class. We were learning about the Nixon administration, including his vice president, Spiro Agnew. It just so happened that the night before this class discussion, I learned that "Spiro Agnew" is an anagram for "grow a penis". I was gleefully sharing this with the person seated next to me via hushed whispers, so as not to disturb the class.
Well, my teacher saw me talking to someone while he was speaking and said, loudly, "Would you like to share that with the class?!" Of course, he had no idea what I'd just told my neighbor, but I was more than happy to share it with the class. When I said out loud that Spiro Agnew is an anagram for "grow a penis", the entire class erupted in laughter & the teacher lost control of the class for the next few minutes, as every student was busy pulling out paper & pen to see if it was true. (It is. Check it yourself).
I'm quite sure my teacher regretted asking me to share anything with the class.

Anagrams always remind me of an incident I had in my high school American history class. We were learning about the Nixon administration, including his vice president, Spiro Agnew. It just so happened that the night before this class discussion, I learned that "Spiro Agnew" is an anagram for "grow a penis". I was gleefully sharing this with the person seated next to me via hushed whispers, so as not to disturb the class.
Well, my teacher saw me talking to someone while he was speaking and said, loudly, "Would you like to share that with the class?!" Of course, he had no idea what I'd just told my neighbor, but I was more than happy to share it with the class. When I said out loud that Spiro Agnew is an anagram for "grow a penis", the entire class erupted in laughter & the teacher lost control of the class for the next few minutes, as every student was busy pulling out paper & pen to see if it was true. (It is. Check it yourself).
I'm quite sure my teacher regretted asking me to share anything with the class.

but merci! life is certainly not disappointing just yet. in any event, feel free to remember what you wanted to say. I am tres curious. (sorry for all the random french. we are supposed to integrate it though. haha. I might start speaking frenglish. o.O)