Guess who's back?
After a nearly 6-month hiatus, I have crawled out from under my rock. My absence began unplanned and continued by choice. My access to all things internet ended abruptly with the death of my dearly beloved home computer. With it died my passwords (not all of which I had memorized, as I change them all the damn time); SG included.
The lack of internettin' turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I'd been spending too much time online & neglecting other things (oh, like office work, yardwork at home, and other things various & sundry). I've been far more productive and happy.
I recently felt it was time to make a return to SG, however. I have missed this place more than anything else I did online. I kind of feel like Micheal Corleone in Godfather III:

Actually, I had never intended to be gone this long. I just got swept up in life events. Nothing terrible, just busy. It seemed the longer I was gone, the less motivation I had to get back online. I rarely Facebook anymore. Sure, I'll log on to peek at what my loved ones are up to, but I rarely post anything. I'd rather be doing something else, like reading.
Speaking of which, I am currently reading the Song of Ice And Fire series by George R.R. Martin. I hadn't heard of it until HBO started airing the first season of Game of Thrones. I began watching it for the first time a couple of months ago. I thought it was a ton of fun. As it was based on George R.R. Martin's books, I decided to pick them up & read them. (In general, I prefer to read the books before I watch the adaptations).
They are wonderfully well written & I think HBO is doing a great job with the series. That said, I am only half way through the second book, A Clash of Kings, so I have not gotten into the second season of the show yet. No spoilers, please! I have to avert my eyes any time I see someone post something about it on Facebook (and now, SG, as well).

Is anyone else here reading the series (or already read) it? I am completely hooked. My favorite characters are Arya & Tyrion. I can't wait to see what's in store for them.
While I was gone, my wife & I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary. Yes, 20! I can hardly believe it's been that long. On the one hand, it feels like it was yesterday that we met. On the other hand, I feel like she has been a part of my life as long as I can remember. I am a truly lucky fella.

Earlier this month I went to New York City for the first time ever. (I can cross that off my bucket list now). It was amazing! I love that city. My wife & I were there to support our son, who was competing in a national jazz band competition at the Lincoln Center in Manhattan. Oh, and they WON the competition for their category (community high school jazz band). </brag>
Here they are performing at the competition. (My son is the tallest trumpet player, at the top right. Doesn't he look like he's having a blast? And don't they sound amazing?!):
The view from our hotel room in Queens:

We stayed in Queens, as it was a ton cheaper than Manhattan. (It was only about a 20 minute cab ride to the city, so not so bad).
I had my first cab ride ever, which was an experience in and of itself.

On TV & in the movies, Manhattan traffic is always incredibly congested, so I figured it was slow moving. Not the case at all. I was amazed at how fast everyone drove. Flying down the roads at 60-70 mph inches next to the cars next to us. It was like a thrill ride at a carnival. Traffic laws apparently don't mean much in NY. The drivers and the pedestrians both seemed to do as they pleased and the police never batted an eye. It is a very different experience here in Tucson, Arizona.
I also had my first train ride ever.

I'd always wanted to experience the NY subway system. It's amazing how elaborate and efficient they are! The subways also provided for some good "New York moments". It's a great place to people watch. There were impromptu street performances, scenes of high drama (loves both found and lost playing out before our eyes), interesting characters of all stripes. One of the more comical NY moments was when our train stopped and we saw a guy (presumably drunk and/or homeless) squatting against a wall, pants down, having a crap in the ground in the middle of the subway station. Now there's something you don't see every day!
My wife, trying to figure out the trains:

We went there with no specific agenda for our free time. We just started walking. I couldn't believe how many landmarks we ran into without even looking for them. We'd be walking around and suddenly we were standing in front the Museum of Modern Art, or Broadway, or Parsons Design School & Mood Fabrics (fans of Project Runway will know why I was excited about those last two).

We also stumbled onto Trump Tower (what can I say... I'm a fan of Celebrity Apprentice, too)

We have a friend who grew up in New Jersey/New York and took us to some of her favorite spots in the East Village, like McSorley's Old Ale House - New York's oldest bar, established in 1854. Abe Lincoln even drank there!

We also went to a great little (and I mean tiny) wine bar called the Bourgeois Pig. We sat on chaise lounge sofas drinking wine and eating chocolate fondue. The place was dark as hell & rife with atmosphere.

We had the best cannolis in the world at Venieros Pasticceria, America's oldest Italian pastry shop. Seriously, if you go to NY, this place is a must. Everything we got there was incredible.

The highlight of the trip, for me, however, was seeing a jazz quintet play at the world-famous Village Vanguard club in Greenwich Village. It was an unforgettable experience seeing a show in this tiny little club that has been host to every legend in the history of jazz music.

I can't wait to return to NY to experience more of it. We were only there for 5 days and barely got a taste of it. There is so much to see & do. Next time, I will definitely have to have a plan of attack so we can hit some of the other must-see places. Any recommendations.
Okay, I think I've prattled on long enough. Time to go perv some of the sets I've been missing. I look forward to catching up with everyone.
Before I go, here are some random pictures of my kitties; just because.

After a nearly 6-month hiatus, I have crawled out from under my rock. My absence began unplanned and continued by choice. My access to all things internet ended abruptly with the death of my dearly beloved home computer. With it died my passwords (not all of which I had memorized, as I change them all the damn time); SG included.
The lack of internettin' turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I'd been spending too much time online & neglecting other things (oh, like office work, yardwork at home, and other things various & sundry). I've been far more productive and happy.
I recently felt it was time to make a return to SG, however. I have missed this place more than anything else I did online. I kind of feel like Micheal Corleone in Godfather III:

Actually, I had never intended to be gone this long. I just got swept up in life events. Nothing terrible, just busy. It seemed the longer I was gone, the less motivation I had to get back online. I rarely Facebook anymore. Sure, I'll log on to peek at what my loved ones are up to, but I rarely post anything. I'd rather be doing something else, like reading.
Speaking of which, I am currently reading the Song of Ice And Fire series by George R.R. Martin. I hadn't heard of it until HBO started airing the first season of Game of Thrones. I began watching it for the first time a couple of months ago. I thought it was a ton of fun. As it was based on George R.R. Martin's books, I decided to pick them up & read them. (In general, I prefer to read the books before I watch the adaptations).
They are wonderfully well written & I think HBO is doing a great job with the series. That said, I am only half way through the second book, A Clash of Kings, so I have not gotten into the second season of the show yet. No spoilers, please! I have to avert my eyes any time I see someone post something about it on Facebook (and now, SG, as well).

Is anyone else here reading the series (or already read) it? I am completely hooked. My favorite characters are Arya & Tyrion. I can't wait to see what's in store for them.
While I was gone, my wife & I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary. Yes, 20! I can hardly believe it's been that long. On the one hand, it feels like it was yesterday that we met. On the other hand, I feel like she has been a part of my life as long as I can remember. I am a truly lucky fella.

Earlier this month I went to New York City for the first time ever. (I can cross that off my bucket list now). It was amazing! I love that city. My wife & I were there to support our son, who was competing in a national jazz band competition at the Lincoln Center in Manhattan. Oh, and they WON the competition for their category (community high school jazz band). </brag>
Here they are performing at the competition. (My son is the tallest trumpet player, at the top right. Doesn't he look like he's having a blast? And don't they sound amazing?!):
The view from our hotel room in Queens:

We stayed in Queens, as it was a ton cheaper than Manhattan. (It was only about a 20 minute cab ride to the city, so not so bad).
I had my first cab ride ever, which was an experience in and of itself.

On TV & in the movies, Manhattan traffic is always incredibly congested, so I figured it was slow moving. Not the case at all. I was amazed at how fast everyone drove. Flying down the roads at 60-70 mph inches next to the cars next to us. It was like a thrill ride at a carnival. Traffic laws apparently don't mean much in NY. The drivers and the pedestrians both seemed to do as they pleased and the police never batted an eye. It is a very different experience here in Tucson, Arizona.
I also had my first train ride ever.

I'd always wanted to experience the NY subway system. It's amazing how elaborate and efficient they are! The subways also provided for some good "New York moments". It's a great place to people watch. There were impromptu street performances, scenes of high drama (loves both found and lost playing out before our eyes), interesting characters of all stripes. One of the more comical NY moments was when our train stopped and we saw a guy (presumably drunk and/or homeless) squatting against a wall, pants down, having a crap in the ground in the middle of the subway station. Now there's something you don't see every day!
My wife, trying to figure out the trains:

We went there with no specific agenda for our free time. We just started walking. I couldn't believe how many landmarks we ran into without even looking for them. We'd be walking around and suddenly we were standing in front the Museum of Modern Art, or Broadway, or Parsons Design School & Mood Fabrics (fans of Project Runway will know why I was excited about those last two).

We also stumbled onto Trump Tower (what can I say... I'm a fan of Celebrity Apprentice, too)

We have a friend who grew up in New Jersey/New York and took us to some of her favorite spots in the East Village, like McSorley's Old Ale House - New York's oldest bar, established in 1854. Abe Lincoln even drank there!

We also went to a great little (and I mean tiny) wine bar called the Bourgeois Pig. We sat on chaise lounge sofas drinking wine and eating chocolate fondue. The place was dark as hell & rife with atmosphere.

We had the best cannolis in the world at Venieros Pasticceria, America's oldest Italian pastry shop. Seriously, if you go to NY, this place is a must. Everything we got there was incredible.

The highlight of the trip, for me, however, was seeing a jazz quintet play at the world-famous Village Vanguard club in Greenwich Village. It was an unforgettable experience seeing a show in this tiny little club that has been host to every legend in the history of jazz music.

I can't wait to return to NY to experience more of it. We were only there for 5 days and barely got a taste of it. There is so much to see & do. Next time, I will definitely have to have a plan of attack so we can hit some of the other must-see places. Any recommendations.
Okay, I think I've prattled on long enough. Time to go perv some of the sets I've been missing. I look forward to catching up with everyone.
Before I go, here are some random pictures of my kitties; just because.
