happy holidays to everyone!

I got my SG hoodie today how perfect! I love all of you! smile
just in time. biggrin
happy holidays! love kiss
thank god! I just was able to order my sg hoodie this is like my b-day and xmas present to myself from last year and this year.

I had a dream last night that i won the NJ lottery and could buy like anything I wanted and I bought everybody on my friends list all the stuff off their wishlist, too bad I'm broke and...
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mother fucker! Everytime I go to try to buy an SG hoodie they are either sold out or don't have my size. WTF! mad
hello supply and demand! mad
they were backordered for literally the last four months

Thanks to everyone for the b-day wishes. What a horrible day, I had to leave work today because I felt so sick I could bearly stand up straight. 25 feels like 85. My grandma sent me a card,and my meathead brother bought me stuff so I could go to the gym with him. oh joy! I think I'm going to buy myself an SG hoodie....
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that sucks your sick on your bday. i hope you feel better soon. kiss

I'm going to the dropkick murphy's show in AC! It about time there is something going on in this hell hole. smile
Happy Birthday!!! smile
happy birthday! i hope the day has been positively awesome!
I would love it if some one could rip me to shreds and stitch me all back together maybe I wouldn't be in so much pain.

I decided to quit drinking. Its one of those things i tend to do. Being surrounded by drug and alcohol abusers I really get sick of how pathetic some people are. I don't mean to sound high and mighty...
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Yeah I just got done watching the devils rejects and i must say it is much better than house of a 1000 corpses. What does everyone else think? Good lord giving up drinking is harder than i thought. blah I'm going to bed.
Well it was only a week ago that I took my older brother to the SuicideGirls Show and I think it has changed for the better. Thanks girls. This is the guy that took one look at my SG book and said " Dude you're weird" but at the show he looked over at me while chloe was dancing and said "damn this is fucking...
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biggrin biggrin
Ugg! Yesterday I got home from my 2 day sales meeting hoopla and I'm still tired as hell. Does anyone cool live in jersey? frown goodlord! frown
Oooh god where to begin, Well life is slowing down quite a bit; the summer is over so that means life down here is almost at a pause. I wish I would have gone to the DCFC show but I was at this sales seminar, the good thing about it I was able to go to White Castle after it. It was raining like a son of a bitch and it took me forever to get home but I had a sack of sliders and friesoh yeah the beastie boys were right in saying white castle fries only come in one size Thanks MCA. All and all the ride was good. Wet roads, white castle and The Mars Volta blaring.

Ok I would like to bitch about something small that I saw on myspace. Ok I understand that celebs are people to and they deserve whatever but When I see a bulletin saying Celebs Only Read This Some celebs can just go get bentstupid Hollywood bitches.hahaha! uuug nerdspace.com

I-tunes Im looking for any good music to get off of I tunes but I cant find some songs. Any suggestions? Has anyone read any good books lately?

biggrin biggrin skull skull skull biggrin biggrin
we had a date in brooklyn and drove through jersey.