I keep getting this nagging feeling like I am not being told the entire truth. Like there are things that I should know, but the parties involved keep from me for their own benefit. I read once that a man, suspicious of those around him, will likely overlook the evidence presented to him in order to keep from upsetting his world. I feel like I am doing the same thing. I am being given logical clues that lead to one conclusion, but keep ignoring them. The worse part is that I am denying a conclusion that I know is logical, and that I WANT to come to. I feel like I need to embrace this logic, but I can't and I don't know why.
Have I put myself into a situation that I am destined to cope with until I am free from it, or am I searching for melancholy where I should be finding hope?
Sometimes I wish that I had someone like Confucius to ask these questions to, for I sometimes feel that philosophy is the only way to truly find your own answers.
Have I put myself into a situation that I am destined to cope with until I am free from it, or am I searching for melancholy where I should be finding hope?
Sometimes I wish that I had someone like Confucius to ask these questions to, for I sometimes feel that philosophy is the only way to truly find your own answers.