Easter Sunday is remembering that one time I hung out with rich kids/baseball from school and watched them all get Fatalities on me because I wasn't playing Mortal Combat Street Fighter at home because I was poor. There was a lot more history of Dungeons and Dragons in there we had some fun sometimes.
Easter Sunday is remembering that one time in high school when we had a foreign exchange student from Russia who learned about Judaism because her parents forced her. I agreed to leave her alone and society never forgave me. Russian is still bombing Ukraine and psychiatrists are still getting paid to use legal restraints on citizens that don't comply with the law. Korn made a song called Freak on Leash. LARP is a term that means Live action role-playing. Disco Elysium is a horrible game don't play it don't buy and don't buy it. A Tattoo Parlors got shut down for being racist and having bad laboratory techniques. Metallica wrote a song called "The thing that should not be" People are still making money off someone else's personal trauma hurting them more and then keeping the money There is the reason there was a lawsuit about Disco Elysium….. Texas Instruments made calculators that did math automatically. Tattooed Industrial equipment is expensive. Incubus wasn't a bad band some of those objectively orientated programable bodies were treated better than others. I really sucked at technical writing in college because I didn't have a soul/editor working with me on my spelling(thinking/prayer). Our college football song was Enter Sandman by Metallica. Sandman Was a book written by Neil Gaiman. I always wanted to be Straight and I am thankful for the points I got in, but usually god makes you take a knee and money can't buy love.
Easter Sunday realizes Meredith McGrath the neutering Vetinariany and animal border is retired. and "Step-dad" was a huge gay rights activist and some people only exist as placeholders in someone's for-profit MICROSOFT spreadsheet. Colorado stood for collar controlled and eventually orphans' pets get cremated. I miss my mom's basil pesto and cashew pasta in hindsight we all understood there was no marinara. Mother never fermented anything either she aborted her first child and thought my last name was total cooperate trash. Waste Management is still a big business in America.
Sorry, End Rant. I should count my blessings and be more thankful; my mistake.
Happy Easter 🐰🖤 Wish you the best!