I have about three weeks left until my member ship expires, hopefully I will land another professional position before then.
I still don't believe the last position let me go so quickly, I have just moved in here ..
I really like commuting on the subway, I have a few regrets about being less shy... and a few regrets about losing track of where I was going and not getting enough sleep which was in part responsible me having to change employment again.
Such is life,
I must focus on getting my career on track.
I have about three weeks left until my member ship expires, hopefully I will land another professional position before then.
I still don't believe the last position let me go so quickly, I have just moved in here ..
I really like commuting on the subway, I have a few regrets about being less shy... and a few regrets about losing track of where I was going and not getting enough sleep which was in part responsible me having to change employment again.
Such is life,
I must focus on getting my career on track.
Thank you for the support on my new set!!
Because of your avatar, I'm now picturing a squirrel in a lab coat, cackling maniacally. I hope your jobs are both awesome.