I'm deleting my LiveJournal, this was one of the last posts that I didn't post on SG (Posted to LiveJournal on 3rd November 2006 at 13:58)...
Oh my god, I'm getting crap at updating again!
Since my last update I've done quite a lot actually!
For starters I've just bought an apartment, been to the bank today and done the "deed" so to speak! It's been a hell of a lot of stress, but I might actually be able to move in soon! (Well... when I get back from Birmingham!!)....

That's right, I've finally got a gig on Kerrang! Radio, for 2 weeks anyway! I'm covering overnight's for a fortnight from Monday, 1-6am, then 2-6am Tuesday - Friday... if that makes sense?
I'm well excited, they actually liked my demo and the dry run hour I did for them too... first time that's ever happened!!
That's a picture of Studio C (stolen from the Kerrang! Radio myspace page) where I'll either be doing my prep and the show, or just prep before going into studio B to do the show, Tim Shaw likes to use studio A apparently... thought I think that's because it's the biggest and he usually has 20 people in there with him, including at least 2 strippers and a midget!
It's gonna be so much fun! I can't wait! Listen and get in touch if you can!
What else have I been up to? Well... work in Newcastle has been cool, I've really enjoyed spending time with my friends, all of which have been amazing while I'm temporarily homeless because of delays with my apartment (though I've actually been in it now and it rocks!) hopefully be able to move in soon and then I'll stop pissing off all my friends with my stuff being everywhere!!
Been out for drinks with a friend of mine a few times recently too and that's been really cool to get to know them better and have some good laughs in the process!
Right, I really should get some more work done!!
Take care!
Dan xx
Oh my god, I'm getting crap at updating again!
Since my last update I've done quite a lot actually!
For starters I've just bought an apartment, been to the bank today and done the "deed" so to speak! It's been a hell of a lot of stress, but I might actually be able to move in soon! (Well... when I get back from Birmingham!!)....

That's right, I've finally got a gig on Kerrang! Radio, for 2 weeks anyway! I'm covering overnight's for a fortnight from Monday, 1-6am, then 2-6am Tuesday - Friday... if that makes sense?
I'm well excited, they actually liked my demo and the dry run hour I did for them too... first time that's ever happened!!
That's a picture of Studio C (stolen from the Kerrang! Radio myspace page) where I'll either be doing my prep and the show, or just prep before going into studio B to do the show, Tim Shaw likes to use studio A apparently... thought I think that's because it's the biggest and he usually has 20 people in there with him, including at least 2 strippers and a midget!
It's gonna be so much fun! I can't wait! Listen and get in touch if you can!
What else have I been up to? Well... work in Newcastle has been cool, I've really enjoyed spending time with my friends, all of which have been amazing while I'm temporarily homeless because of delays with my apartment (though I've actually been in it now and it rocks!) hopefully be able to move in soon and then I'll stop pissing off all my friends with my stuff being everywhere!!
Been out for drinks with a friend of mine a few times recently too and that's been really cool to get to know them better and have some good laughs in the process!
Right, I really should get some more work done!!
Take care!
Dan xx