jason, yes we need to hangout I never heard back from you last night... I sat at home and watched movies because it was 9 degrees and only a fucking psycho would go out in the snow.
So my exgirlfriend is poking her head around again... not going to do it.
PS. I'm really serious about that whole hook... Read More
I called and left a message. Yes you are a hot ass kid so someone please hook him up with your hot friend. Then maybe Dan I would have a chance. This Saturday, The Bronx and Swayback at the Larimer Lounge I will be there, You. Shoulda go a sidekick.
Dan you are such a sucka, I will send you all the ones that are to young but that would be pretty much all of them these days. We need to hang out soon. I miss your hair.
It sucks when you work with people who can't pull their weight you just want to beat them in the head but then you remember that's why they haven't been 100% successful in their lives and feel bad for them.
I need a change in my life.
my stalker is now 18... and she's hot, what to do?
i have slackful partners at work ALL the time! the stupid management like to give me "new" servers as my partner in my section...cause they know i'm old school and they want me to keep an eye on them. I'm like...WTF! i'm trying to make money here son! not trying to babysit these clueless kids that have been working here 2 months and STILL are only able to take 2 tables at a time!!! My job is most DEFINITELY an equal opportunity employer...that's all i gotta say!
Nobody to watch the kid, so Red Cloud Cd release party on Saturday at the Larimer Lounge. And I will so kick you ass. There maybe a secret kickball game this sunday.