There are almost 7 billion people on this planet & I find only about 10 of them to be somewhat tolerable every once in a while
It's blogy blog time!!!
Oh hello SG peoples-- how are you on this lovely Friday/Saturday (wherever you are)
I had a good night last night... went for coffee with my cousin Jess & her bf... & learned a valuable lesson about how talking in Asian voice all night around an Asian can be offensive. Who knew
hehe my bad. I have a really good Asian voice, I can't help it!
Anywho -- moving on.
Life has been mellowing out somewhat.. & for those of you who are curious, my Grama is doing much better
I'm happy to have been able to spend so much time with her over the past 2 weeks
Sooo -- I went last night to get my ears checked out, 'cause as you know I had them scalpelled the other day & Jess decided she wanted another piercing
I'm such a bad influence
The people of Unholy South are super awesome & professional & they're really big on everything being sterile & clean... I like that!
This is Ryan Casey getting ready to pierce Jessica... again hehe
Seriously, if you're in the Tucson area & you want a good piercing, check them out! 1809 1/2 S 6th Ave in Tucson
& of course I have to recommend SeanHill for tattoos!!! I'll never be tattooed by anyone else ever again...
my body is his canvas now hehe
He'll be in AZ in a couple days if anyone wants to get tattooed by him... jus' sayin'
& now for a random nakie
Ooooooh!!! Don't forget to check out my new set March 12!!! It's called Nonpareil... 'cause there is no comparison
I'm so stoked for this set
Ok I must go.. my coffee is getting cold & I think I'm supposed to be going hiking or something
Xoxoxo bye bye beautiful SG peoples
Don't forget to give Kennadi -- Betel && CleoKat some love! My favorite girls here on SG
kk bye

It's blogy blog time!!!
Oh hello SG peoples-- how are you on this lovely Friday/Saturday (wherever you are)

I had a good night last night... went for coffee with my cousin Jess & her bf... & learned a valuable lesson about how talking in Asian voice all night around an Asian can be offensive. Who knew

Anywho -- moving on.
Life has been mellowing out somewhat.. & for those of you who are curious, my Grama is doing much better

Sooo -- I went last night to get my ears checked out, 'cause as you know I had them scalpelled the other day & Jess decided she wanted another piercing

The people of Unholy South are super awesome & professional & they're really big on everything being sterile & clean... I like that!
This is Ryan Casey getting ready to pierce Jessica... again hehe

Seriously, if you're in the Tucson area & you want a good piercing, check them out! 1809 1/2 S 6th Ave in Tucson
& of course I have to recommend SeanHill for tattoos!!! I'll never be tattooed by anyone else ever again...

He'll be in AZ in a couple days if anyone wants to get tattooed by him... jus' sayin'
& now for a random nakie

Ooooooh!!! Don't forget to check out my new set March 12!!! It's called Nonpareil... 'cause there is no comparison

Ok I must go.. my coffee is getting cold & I think I'm supposed to be going hiking or something
Xoxoxo bye bye beautiful SG peoples
Don't forget to give Kennadi -- Betel && CleoKat some love! My favorite girls here on SG

Really glad to hear that everything is getting better though. Can't wait for the new set. I know I'll enjoy it. BTW, I would love to hear what that Asian voice of yours sounds like.