k super crazy night over here people. after seeing my friends' band "the shenanigans "at the knitting factory and booing the shit out of this really awful band "knock-out" we all went out to get food down on vine. when we arrived like six cop cars and a police copter whizzed by and three dudes in a smoking car rolled up. everyone was anxious to leave until one of the dudes told us to try some hot sauce (habanero salsa). what ensued was an amazing and unexpectedly fun late night hot sauce drinking/ wet t-shirt contest. i got the nick name napoleon because i was wearing funny glasses a la napoleon dynamite and kyle and chad got major props from our new homies by taking shots of habanero and eating a jalapeno covered in salsa. sam and matt took shots but had to go to 7-11 to get milk cuz that shit is way fucking hot, i got off easy with only having to eat a salad with the sauce on it and getting shot in the face with a super soaker. as we walked back to our cars the dudes drove by again and burned some rubber for us as they drove away.
totally gnarly dudes
totally gnarly dudes
Glad I wasn't there, simply because I can't handle hot.