just got back from x and boy are my arms tired. (more like my entire body) lotsa bros lotsa kids who thought they were way too punk and awesome to not shove each other and act like dicks. the highlight of the evening was as follows.
im dancing around like a jerkoff as usual yet still minding my business when someone shoves me for no fathomable reason. rather than get bent out of shape i find the girl who pushed me and love tap her on the clavacle. she must have thought i was trying to grope her or something because she and her friend gang up on me when i come back around. obviously i was very confused so i made a broken heart symbol with my hands as a peace offering i guess which actually turned into a signal for the taller of the girls to start punching me in the head. (the girl in question weighed about 90 pounds and had fists half the size of mine) Needless to say her fists of fury didnt hurt very much because i still had the energy to undo my pants and moon the both of them from across the pit.
after she realized that her punches werent affecting me she got her nearby boytoy to try and tackle me (also weighing about 90 pounds) Im glad im so deceptively thin looking that people half my weight think they can take me down
anyway the whole deal was shitty and immature but at least she bruised my cheek and i go to meet my new boss at the apple store tomorrow. congratulations punk rock princess you beat the evil dragon, now you can sup the lands finest wine from your chalace of mostpunk .
damn im having awesome luck with women this month arent i?
im dancing around like a jerkoff as usual yet still minding my business when someone shoves me for no fathomable reason. rather than get bent out of shape i find the girl who pushed me and love tap her on the clavacle. she must have thought i was trying to grope her or something because she and her friend gang up on me when i come back around. obviously i was very confused so i made a broken heart symbol with my hands as a peace offering i guess which actually turned into a signal for the taller of the girls to start punching me in the head. (the girl in question weighed about 90 pounds and had fists half the size of mine) Needless to say her fists of fury didnt hurt very much because i still had the energy to undo my pants and moon the both of them from across the pit.

after she realized that her punches werent affecting me she got her nearby boytoy to try and tackle me (also weighing about 90 pounds) Im glad im so deceptively thin looking that people half my weight think they can take me down
anyway the whole deal was shitty and immature but at least she bruised my cheek and i go to meet my new boss at the apple store tomorrow. congratulations punk rock princess you beat the evil dragon, now you can sup the lands finest wine from your chalace of mostpunk .
damn im having awesome luck with women this month arent i?
You're just dealing with all the wrong ones. Sadly, I seem to have a shortage of single female friends so I can't really help you out.
they probably just started attacking because you "pushed" her back. they were probably drunk